Healthcare & Me
Executive Life
Brands I represented
Healthcare & Me
Life as a game
Social Projects
HIV Project
A Comprehensive List of Represented Brands
Concept Board
Final Word


            I always admired the healthcare industry. Unfortunately I also witnessed how poorly it's advertising was being handled. The healthcare market has unique characteristics and special requirements. Being so very part of the consumer products advertising, I was left out of the battle.  One fine day, (because it was a beautiful day in October) I decided to do it myself.  I knew advertising, I knew my strengths, I knew how to do the "what", so I initiated and established the first International Healthcare and Preventive Healthcare Management Ad agency in Turkey, Healthy People by Grey Worldwide.


...and, thus,  I modified and adapted my extensive consumer experience to achieve my goals in the challenging healthcare marketplace. Needless to say, it was a success. Basically, I did the right thing, the right way, at the right time.

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